Digital Signature Certificate
Signing DSC can only be used to physically sign the documents. The most popular usage of is signing the PDF file for the tax returns, MCA and other websites. Signing via DSC gives the self- assurance of not only the integrity of the signer but also the data. It is safe and stable data for the security purpose.
Encryption digital signature (DSC) can only be used encryption your documents; it is correctly used in the online tender portal, to help companies encrypt the documents and upload. You could also use the certificate to encrypt and send inside instructions. Encrypt DSC is appropriate to e- commerce documents, legal documentation and sharing documents that are hugely to secret and contains some instructions that needs to be protected. We are selling encrypt certificate as a detached product as well.
Our Sign & Encrypt DSC can be used for both signing and encrypt the documents, but only signing DSC is not used e-tendering documents as on online portal. It is opportune for users who need to certify and maintain the confidentiality of the information shared. Its utilization includes filing government form and application.